this is my chance to be discovered
Hey, remember a while back, when I recommended a bunch o' books about uganda/east africa, and one of them was The Last King of Scotland, about Idi Amin??? WELL, randomly/interestingly, that book is being made into a Major Motion Picture starring Forrest Whittaker, filming right here in Kampala (and environs). Neato, right? Well that's not all... This morning, myself and about 150 other whiteys living in Kampala responded to a casting call to become extras in the movie. To the surprise of absolutely no one, I will be an Israeli hostage, while my various friends and acquaintances will be Dancing Party-goers, People On The Street, Airline Pilots, English Military Officers, and Party Minglers.I'll be the chick in the back trying hard to Get Famous.
Yay - good thing you didn't got to Senegal!
Ha ha kate, so true! I forget all the time that that's where i was supposed to go - who knows what else would have gone so differently!
Awesome, Awesome, awesome, leave it to me to leave Kampala at the absolute wrong time, Now I will never be discovered....
Maticito, the movie is going to have the same name as the book (The Last King of Scotland)!
Gillian, I'll send you an email about the mystical referrer stats thingy!!
Jesus Christ, you are so fucking cool! Imagine going to Kampala to become a Hollywood star!
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