Friday, July 29, 2005

Wah wah wah.... wah

This week has sort of sucked the big one.

A couple of hours after going to bed last friday night, I was woken up by fairly bad eye pain. After half an hour of flushing it with water didn't help, I went back to bed and hoped it would magically feel better by morning. It didn't. Instead, I ended up rushing to The Surgery, where i was informed I had a "massive" corneal ulcer on my right eye, completely covering my iris and pupil, and the exact same size and shape as my contact lens. I have never been in so much pain in my life, ever, not even close. It was excrutiating. (Excrutiating to the point where I, um, accidentally 'overused' my painkillers, with not so great results, just to add to my misery.)

Then, on tuesday, the first day i was able to open my eyes (prior to that i had them closed all day, and was sleeping for 20 out of the 24 hours in the day), I'm pretty sure I got food poisoning, or at least something that has all the symptoms of food poisoning.

And on Wednesday morning I woke up with a mysterious cluster of red insect bites, that by today have become a big blotchy grouping of hot, painful welts, preventing me from putting weight on that leg for more that a couple seconds at a time.

So yeah, its a IWantToGoHome/IWantMyMommy Deanna Pity Party. Wah wah wah. I hate this week.

Oh, and also:
My friend Ida has gone home to visit her family in Norway for a month, and I have taken over for her has Managing Editor of Kampala Live while she's away. Check it out!


At 6:50 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

People always talk about how great Canadian health care is, but when was the last time you went to a health care facility that had a lovely team room? I'm just saying, is all.

At 12:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deanna, I hope you are doing better by now. I felt so bad for you when I read your entry. If you can get Vitamin C there, I recommend at least 500mg a day, it's good for boosting your immune system!

At 9:51 a.m., Blogger Deanna said...

Kate, the tea(m) room really does have nice light lunches! So yes I guess that is a 'plus'!

Carol, thank you so much for your concern! I bought some oranges yesterday - i'm hoping that helps!

And an update on my health in general:
- The Eye: substantially better, well on its way to perfectly-fineness. Just feels sort of dry instead of agonizing now!

- The food poisoning: turned out to be a "very big" systemic infection of some sort. That's not a better thing than food poisoning, fyi. I'm on lots o' drugs, and am on the mend.

- The insect bites: have morphed into larger blotches that are no turning purple, so my legs look all bruised. Prescription antihistimines are making those feel better too.

At 5:19 p.m., Blogger Deanna said...

Dyson: nope, corneal ulcers are not stress related (and in fact have no relation to the cold-sore-type ulcers you're thinking of), instead they are usually caused by (i think) either some sort of trauma, or bacteria, or both. (Mine must have been a bacteria that was in my contact solution, I can't think of any other reason why the ulcer would be the same size/shape as the contact.)

Also, yes the whole thing with the tea room ("Rocks and Roses", it's called) is indeed vaguely colonial, as are lots of aspects of life here; somehow that issue just remains as a vague undercurrent or theme, rather a blog-able topic in and of itself. Although i beleive when i first arrived in uganda i did write about it, if you muck about in the archives from early 2004 i'm sure you can find some 'shock and dismay' expressed at the situation. Now i've just gotten used to it.

Oh, and when i saw James McAvoy he was all covered in fake blood and bruises and stuff, and didn't look so hot. I'll have to take another look, I guess.


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